Creating the Future

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Lime Tree Sings at St Anne’s


IMG_9392The children from Key Stage 2 sang as part of “The Season and Singing” held at St Anne’s Church Sale on Friday 18th October 2013. The children were greatly recieved and we have had comments such as “The children performed beautifuly and looked so smart!”

Enjoy the photographs 🙂

Mr Goodwin


Well we have done it! We have now achieved Artsmark Gold!! 

Well done to everyone who has helped us achieve this fantastic award. We now have 

the recognition that Lime Tree is a school of ‘arts’ 

Here are a few quotes from our application. 

“This school has a clear and intelligent vision for a sustained and embedded arts rich curriculum.”

“A really excellent arts rich school whose staff and pupils are to be congratulated for their dedication in
implementing a very creative environment for their pupils.”Image

It’ s Here Grease The Show!!


Welcome back


rehearsals are underway for our latest production . Watch this space!!!yamotogroup.jpg


At  lime Tree we believe that creativity is an essential part of a child’s education. We take expressive arts very seriously, in fact it underpins a large part of our curriculum from development of speech and language , art, design, humanities,  maths and science.

Music dance and drama add a dimension to learning that should never be underestimated.



Coming soon……